Pupils With Special Educational Needs or Disabilities
Every child is an individual and at some point in their school career, any pupil may need additional support. This may be due to a learning or language need, a physical disability or injury or medical need or an emotional need. The support given by the Three Saints Federation is carefully matched to meet the child’s needs and is always in consultation with parents and carers.
Our SENDCO is Mrs Jo Best, Mrs Best can be contacted by email at jo.best@threesaints.bwmat.org or alternatively 01460 52574 or 01460 240793.
Please follow the links below to find out more about how your child may be supported.
Identification of needs for children with SEND
Identifying and assessing
The purpose of identification is to work out what action the school needs to take, not to fit a pupil into a category. Identifying pupils with SEN is the responsibility of a wide range of people involved in school life. The pupil’s parents/carers, governors, the Headteacher, SENDCo, class teachers and teaching assistants are all integral parts in the process of identifying additional needs.
We use the Somerset’s Graduated response tool across our federation, this tool sets out the barriers to learning for all four areas that children and young people may experience and provides strategies and provision that could then be put in place to support them.
SEND Policy
Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Report
SEN Offer
SEN Local Offer
School-age Graduated Response Tool
All children and young people attending a mainstream school have an entitlement to access a minimum provision. The purpose of this tool is to ensure every child and young person in a Somerset school receives the support they are entitled to.
Provide information, advice and support about Special Educational Needs and Disability for parent carers, children and young people (up to the age of 25).
Somerset Parent Carer Forum
The independent voice for families with children birth to 25 with additional needs or disabilities.